An extended forensic interview is a method in the investigation of child sexual and/or physical abuse whereby a single interview is not sufficient to understand what, if any, disclosure(s) of abuse a child may describe. Whereas in a single interview where a child is able and willing to discuss the topic at hand in sufficient detail, the extended forensic interview (or trauma assessment) is a method intended for young children, children with disabilities or children whereby concern is present but fails to disclose in the single interview.

Why is Forensic Interview Analysis Important?

With proper training, protocol and an un-biased technique, the extended forensic interview is a useful tool for investigative team members. However, with improper training and protocol, the interviewer may yield information from a child who may have been coached or is easily suggestible. In the forensic interview analysis process by our expert, issues such as suggestibility, protocol, leading questions and interpretation of statements are carefully reviewed. In some cases, a transcript or videotape is available that will assist in this process. Although a child may certainly be a victim of abuse yet have a poorly done interview, the objective and impartial analysis of this investigative tool is imperative.  Click here to contact our expert.